I've been around for sometime, but I have never before in my life witnessed mass programming and brainwashing carried out to such a scale as it is currently. Over the past two years or so the "social engineering", brainwashing and manipulation of the public opinion in our television programming is simply appalling. Propaganda is promoted as news, fear mongering as science and superstition and opinions are propagated as facts. Journalism is dead. The cooperate media and the global news companies are no longer involved in reporting news and events but in brainwashing the masses, and the promotion of globalist agenda.
The cooperate media is under a stranglehold. They only report what the elite global "special interest" wants reported in a way they want it done. Anybody who doesn't go along with the narrative is labeled a homophone, a racist, sexist, religious fundamentalist, xenophobe, an islamophobe, conspiracy theorist or a hate monger. The agenda is to create a global government, under a repressive socialist regime that forces far reaching control over the lives of masses. They paint a terrifying future to get the masses to give up their rights under the guise of protection policies. Nowadays you cant even keep bees without informing the authorities, you cannot have a gathering without a permit, you cannot practice your religion without having papers. Laws are drafted that seem on the outside to be designed to protect the public but are actully a pushback on personal liberties and freedoms.
The fact of the matter is that the global special interests and the elite want a new world order. They want a world built around their ideals and interests. Their rallying cry is global terrorism, geo-political and social turmoil, immigration, climate change, global warming, global financial collapse, epidemics and pandemics, but what they really want is globalization, control of the masses and anything that ensures their continued preservation and enrichment. And in the mass media and global news coporations they have a ready tool to push this agenda forward and they will succeed.
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