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Showing posts from May, 2023


 If you have been listening to Ohangla or Luo Benga for a while then you'll probably be familiar with the name Okoth Niang' Loth. I don't know, but his name just pops out a lot in the dedications (or what Congolese people refer to as "Kobwaka mabanga"). The Kobwaka Mabanga culture is a phenomena associated with sending dedications to often rich people - mostly patrons of the art - who in one way or another has supported an artiste's craft. Translating literally to "throwing stones" it has been a huge part of the Congolese rumba tradition. Names Like Patrique Luwowo, Tchatcho Mbala, Adam Bombole, Didi Kinuani, Kayembe Chez Temba, Jose Kongolo FBI, Tabou Fatou "Mama na Compressor", Eddy Badiata and Ahmed Bakayoko pop up a lot in the dedications. The Kobwaka Mabanga culture is a phenomena associated with sending dedications to (often) rich people  mostly patrons of the art. Well, Luo music has a version of their own. You'll hear names lik...


Well, this is rather weird. Trouble is something we all try to avoid. But for some reason, you are here. Our natural animal or human instincts abhors trouble and craves peace and pleasure. But sometimes you just want to get into some trouble, for the sake of it. It's good for your nose - sorry - your brain and then again, we'll all die some day anyway. So, trouble is not worth avoiding, if you think about it, and even more so if you don't. It will rear its beautiful head into your life regardless. Love it or hate it, believe it or not, trouble is part of life (and death). The good book says, or so I've heard, that "a man born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble ". Read that again (I know you won't, but I don't care). My guess is that you're a man and that you were brought forth by a woman and that's why you're here, trying to make your life short and full of trouble.. There are all sorts of (good) reasons why one might want to get...


When Okatch Biggy sang in his song "Nyathi Nyakach" the words, " Sianda mabeyogi nonega nono. Sianda madongogi nowita oko "(These beautiful buttocks will kill me for nothing. These big buttocks confuse me) he wasn't trying to be funny or controversial. He was simply making music. Yet these words have come to define how his life and music will forever be viewed and have gone on to inspire a generation of artistes to shake of the shackles of religious-cultural norms of modesty and decency and find the courage to spew all manners of lewd messages and insults all over their music. Not long after that he produced yet another work "Adhiambo sianda" which took lewdness to new heights. In fact this song, plus other Biggy's works have been the subject of a doctoral thesis by the renown Kenya scholar Dr. T.M. Mboya, who argues that these loose expressions and the casual manner in which the grave issues of Sex, HIV and AIDS were talked about in the entertain...